This Storage Agreement is made a part of, and incorporated into, the Lease dated, by and between Bit-O-Heaven Resort SPE, LLC as “LESSOR” and  as “LESSEE/S” for the property located at Bit-O-Heaven Resort (the “Lease”). All capitalized terms in this Agreement have the meanings ascribed to them in the Lease.

Storage Space Rental. In exchange for an additional monthly payment of $ per month (payable at the Resort office on or before the first of each month), Lessee/s shall have the right to use the storage space(s) described as follows on a month-to-month basis: A $25.00 late fee will be accessed 10 days after the due date. A $50.00 penalty will be accessed if you use storage area without express permission from Management. Monies owing will be deemed as rent and collected as such.

Terms and Conditions. Perishable items and/or any items which might cause odors may not be stored in any storage area. Use of a storage area is at Lessee’s own risk and Lessor does not warrant or represent any assurances against theft or other damage. Use of common areas and/or homesites may not be used by Lessee’s to store any personal belongings. Explosives, flammable or other dangerous items, including gasoline and kerosene along with any toxic chemicals or substances shall not be utilized and shall not be stored in any designated storage area or anywhere else within the Resort. Lessees shall not use the Storage Space for residential purposes and shall not use the Storage Space for active storage such as manufacturing, fabrication and/or maintenance.

Lessor reserves the right to inspect items stored in designated storage areas to ensure compliance with this Agreement. This Agreement shall terminate automatically upon termination of the Lease unless terminated sooner by either Lessee/s or Lessor upon providing 30-day written notice of intent to vacate the Storage Space. Any property left in the Storage Space after the Lessee’s occupancy has ended shall be considered abandoned property and Lessor may dispose of same without liability to Lessee/s. All Dates must be adhered to as site reservations are made according to these dates.

Lessee/s agree to release, waive, discharge, and covenant not to sue Lessor, its directors, officers, employees, owners, shareholders, members, and agents from any and all liability to Lessor for any loss, theft, damage, claim or demands arising from the use of the Storage Space except for Lessor’s failure to perform a duty or negligent performance of a duty imposed by law. Lessees agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Lessor from any loss, liability, theft, damage, or costs that may incur arising from use of the Storage Space except for Lessor’s failure to perform a duty or negligent performance of a duty imposed by law. Lessee/s understands and agrees that Lessor does not guarantee the security of the property being stored and that Lessor does not provide locks, security, or guards for the Storage Space. Lessees agree to assume full responsibility for and risk of property damage arising from the use of the Storage Space.

This Agreement cannot be assigned by Lessee/s. This Agreement contains all terms and conditions between the Parties. No modifications of this Agreement shall be binding unless made in writing and signed by all Parties. 

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June 3, 2024 1:53 pm CDTBIT-O-HEAVEN RESORT STORAGE AGREEMENT Uploaded by Scott Campbell - IP