Pet Agreement Addendum

  • Permission is hereby granted by Bit-O-Heaven Management to the above-named Resident(s) to have the pet(s) listed above on our Resort Property while following these Pet addendum rules as well as the Bit-O-Heaven Resort Rules & Regulations. I agree that my pet is currently licensed and immunized. It is my responsibility to have proof readily available if necessary. If my pet is found to not be currently licensed or immunized, it is grounds for eviction from our Resort. Animal owners should consider the health and happiness of their pet in a Resort living environment. In this context, the following must be followed… 1. Disturbances such as consistent barking, snarling, growling, etc., which cause a legitimate complaint is cause for revoking permission to keep your pet in our Resort. 2. Any pet, when not inside your residence MUST be on a leash at ALL times and owner must be in physical control of the animal at all times. Pets are NEVER allowed to run free anywhere on the Resort property except the Dog Park/Run. 3. Pets are NEVER to be left outside when a member of the household is not home. Pets are not to be left outside the home for extended periods of time. 4. No invisible fences and/or actual permanent fences/pens are permitted. Temporary pens that can be removed will be permitted with management approval. No electronic leashes are permitted. 5. Please do not run pets beside golf carts. If you choose to do so, it is at your own risk to you, your pet and others. 6. Home site must be kept clean of pet litter. 7. It is the responsibility of the Residents to clean up after their animal when they are walking them. No pet is to invade the privacy of anyone’s homesite, flowerbeds, shrubs, etc. Please be considerate of your neighbor’s property and Resort property. Management reserves the right to access a $50 fine (to be added to your rent) if a resident is proven to allow their animal to use another homesite or Resort property as a toilet without cleaning it up. 8. Pets are not allowed to remain in the rec halls, swimming pool, shower areas or laundries unless it’s a service animal and follows the ADA Requirements for Service Animals (written in the Bit-O-Heaven Resort Rules and Regulations). 9. Resident has read and agrees to follow Dog Run Rules and Bit-O-Heaven Laundr-O-Mutt Rules as stated in the Bit-O-Heaven Resort Rules and Regulations. 10. Visiting pets must be registered at the office, are only allowed to stay two (2) weeks, and must conform to all Resort Pet Policies 11. We do not prohibit breeds. It is the responsibility of the pet owner to keep their animal in complete control and also to keep their animal out of harm’s way if they feel uncomfortable in any way. Management recommends that you do not approach any animal that you are not comfortable with. Pet owners will be held responsible for their animals’ actions and may be asked to leave the Resort if Management deems it necessary. 12. In the event that any animal is reported “aggressively biting” a person or domestic animal, the pet owner of the dog that caused the actual physical harm will be required to immediately report the issue to the Resort Office and must permanently remove the pet from the Resort. The pet owner will be responsible for any medical bills resulting from the attack. All incidents must be reported to not only the Resort Management, but to the local police department as well. “Aggressively biting” means the pet physically bit the person or animal in a manner not normally associated with playfulness or accidental behavior while exhibiting objective signs of aggression, attack behavior, or intent to harm. 13. The feeding of stray animals is strictly prohibited. Once you engage in this practice, the animal becomes a pet and is subject to the pet guidelines/rules outlined here. 14. We love our wildlife. Please do not allow your pet to harass or kill rabbits or squirrels. 15. If a pet is lost/given away/dies, a new pet agreement must be acquired and filled out with Management before replacing the pet. 16. Failure to comply with all established pet policies as outlined above (except rule 12) will result in one warning before removal of the pet is required. Should residents choose to leave the Resort, NO REFUND WILL BE GIVEN. 17. Management is NOT responsible for stray animals. Please do not bring them to the Resort Office. Please take them to the Humane Society. I/We hereby agree to the conditions set forth above. It is further understood and agreed that any infraction on my/our part of these conditions or any interference with the rights of Management or other Residents, at the option of Management shall result in the withdrawal of the permission and shall be construed as the failure on my/our part to perform the responsibilities of my/our residency. It is understood that my/our residency may be terminated as provided by law for violation of this permit and my/our lease.** ** Any false statement or material omission of information on the Resort application and/or on this addendum shall result in the withdrawal of permission to keep & maintain any pets in our Resort. Bit-O-Heaven also reserves the right to impose fines for any pet rule infraction. Resident hereby agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Bit-O-Heaven and its staff from any liability, cause of action, claim, damage, or event resulting from such Resident’s pet and/ or other Residents Pets.
  • DD slash MM slash YYYY
  • Please click the “+” Symbol to include more then one Pet.